We all live in an incredibly fast-paced world, and there are many situations where we can neglect our well-being and health. We have so much going on – family, friends, work, social engagements – that we race daily. As a result, self-care is not our priority anymore. This is apparent; so many of us feel tired and run down. Is there anything we can do to improve our quality of life that is simple?

Don’t forget to drink!

Drink more water – you’ve heard it a million times, and you’ll probably listen to it a million more times!

Take a moment to consider: 72% of the human body is water. Dropping fluids by 5% results in a loss of energy of 25-30%. Dropping fluids by 15% causes death! So 66% of us aren’t drinking enough water now, which means that half of Before things like air pollution, bad food, and stress take a toll, the population isn’t operating at total capacity.

The solution isn’t that difficult. But, first, water should be consumed every half hour or so – or around 10-12 glasses per day – which will drastically improve your energy levels.

Vegetables contain a lot of nutrients
Vegetables contain a lot of nutrients

Taking Care of Your Food is Taking Care of Your Life!

The nutrient content in food is heavily damaged when heated above 116°F. Considering we already eat fewer vegetables, this is a severe problem. Fresh vegetables should be eaten five times a day, according to nutritionists. But, is this advice being followed by most of us?

The best way to get the nutrients in fresh vegetables is to juice celery. First, get a good juicer (some juicers expose vegetables to heat created by friction, which breaks down enzymes). To stay healthy, eat some fresh vegetables and drink plenty of water. Because it doesn’t involve cooking, it takes a fraction of the time and is convenient. Juice can be taken to work and even given to kids for school lunches!

Wheatgrass, in particular, has excellent nutrition. It is high in chlorophyll (often called ‘plant blood’ because it closely resembles human red blood cell molecules) and contains over 100 elements the body requires. Additionally, fresh grains are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals.

Energy Flowing in – Energy Flowing Out!

Most of us regard exercise as a dirty word. However, exercise doesn’t have to be time-consuming or monotonous. It is possible to choose from a variety of options.

In the past, gyms usually offered weight rooms, aerobics classes, and maybe a cardio circuit. You can now choose from water aerobics, yoga, pilates, dance-excise, step classes, etc.

Exercise can lower your risk of heart disease
Exercise can lower your risk of heart disease

Consider exercising on an exercise bike or walking if you don’t have much time or money to spend at the gym. Exercise bikes are an essential part of my lifestyle set them up in front of the TV and pedal away happily while watching my favorite shows.

There is a chance you might find it helpful if you are sick or injured or have a low level of fitness, like I am, to consider the following advice I got from my doctor:

If you are physically unfit, and particularly if you’re also ill, just getting the tiniest amount of exercise can seem impossible. If you do not move, you will lose more energy, becoming a self-perpetuating cycle until you can barely keep your eyes open.

A great way to get back into a physical routine is to start slowly. Things may seem to be moving slowly. Start by walking/riding for 5 minutes every day for the first couple of weeks – precisely 5 minutes, no more; even if you think you could continue once the two weeks are up, increase to seven minutes, then ten minutes, then twelve minutes. Keep improving your activity until you reach a level that suits you.

It sounds silly, but it works. When the body is overworked, it produces more energy. Your body doesn’t realize that you’re exercising so slowly that it doesn’t understand what’s going on. Within a few weeks, you’ll be exercising comfortably within your limits each day.

Lastly, but certainly not least, laugh! If you can laugh like a loon, that’s even better! It’s incredible to see what a seemingly simple thing can do to lift your spirit!